
How boredom will kill me one day

Hello again my sworn unknowns, this post is a special one, while most of the time I try to make these about some specific theme, lately I haven't had a lot to do so I'm hoping to have fun while writing whatever comes to mind. I guess I would recommend you to avoid reading this as always, but if you have read the others I guess you know what to hope from this one. I guess that's it, the introduction of the nothingness to come, of the emptiness that will follow, of the void that from now on is.

Today I made another pizza, this time in a pizza mold, and let me tell you that it was way easier, but after I ate it I had nothing else to do. Boredom came and with all the special kicks in the mouth that always come with in the form of memories of the past. If for some reason you are reading this without knowing anything about me I guess I should tell you, I'm an asshole. I treat people like shit because I have realized 99% of humanity deserve it. Pride and vanity made them step on others to boost themselves in the eyes of people who do the same, all in a futile attempt to ignore the reality of of our worthlessness. But that also means that I can also be an asshole to people who don't deserve it, the special 1% of people who are just trying to get by without lying to themselves about how good they are after fucking people over. It's those moments that kind of torment my memory, hiding in the darkness between the boredom of nothing to do and the tiredness of doing so much. But the worst part is that no matter how much I love being an asshole, I really hate those moments. They are the paranoia trips of weed, the melting of the walls under lsd and the hangovers of drunks only, instead of disappearing after a while, they just keep piling on like plastic on a landfill that stays there forever. Waiting to jump out whenever nothing is happening.

Well this got dark really fast but it kinda feels good. Now a trivia for you all, am I such a sadist I enjoy putting myself down too, or am I so masochist I enjoy being insulted even by myself? In any case, I found something to do, so maybe next time I will open my evil heart to let you all peek inside. You just have to wait a little while, because I get bored more often than not, and right now I have only a few things to do.

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