
How everything is so fucked up its actually kind of funny.

I have known for a while that everyone is either a thief, a con artist, or a murderer. Its the base of my view of society, my little flavor on the "everyone will fuck you up if you let them" reality, which our parents never teach us but for some reason take pride when we learn it. In fact, everyone will say "being good is important" again and again, hoping that you become "good like them". In this piece of land some people dare to call country people tend to say "there are too many bad people and few of us good people" like they would somehow act differently if they ever found themselves in the same circumstances as the "bad" people. I don't know how, but people actually believe they are good. Most people ignore the damage and pain they cause on others, considering themselves to be better than those who hurt them using bullshit excuses and whatever logic they can come up with to avoid considering how shitty they really are.

The perfect example of this, because its so obvious it's crazy, is my piece of shit neighborhood. One of my neighbors is an evil bitch who screams her daughters almost daily, and not in a "I'm tired, leave me alone" kind of way. She treat her daughters like shit, to the point in which they had been taken before by the government. She also talks shit about everyone behind their backs, to the point where everyone has decided to ignore her all they can, because she will use whatever you tell her with others. This lovely skank decided to try that shit with me, probably because I don't tend to speak to anyone around here, so maybe she thought I was shy or whatever. That ended fast when I asked if she wanted to be cremated or buried randomly, to which she responded acting like a scared victim, but no one paid too much attention.

The other lot next to mine is a family of smug idiots, they act like they are better than everyone around and like they know more about everything. These idiots are the worst for me personally, they threw herbicide on my yard, trash over the fence, and detergents from their roof to my plants. Even now I'm just waiting for them to do some shit again, because whenever I tell them to stop doing anything that affect my yard, they act like I'm crazy for suggesting they are wrong. With these idiots I know I will end up in court, but for now they have calmed down because the sneaky fuckers steal their water, build without permit and break a lot of laws, which I lovingly pointed out to them. Of course, they acted like I was wrong and tried to lie, but fuck them.

Another family close to my house is a home of drug dealers. They sell drugs, send goons to scare the old people in the neighbor and they are your typical scum of the earth, including paying the cops every now and then for good measure. They don't affect me directly, but in general they are pieces of shit so they made the list.

The last one, because there are too many and I don't have the patience to mention them all, are the store owners, parents of the drug distributor that send the previous ones their "product". These old fuckers used their shitty store to launder the money of the drug trade of this shitty hole, but the funniest part is that they sold their product so expensive, the store went to hell. They still live over it though, so who knows if they are still laundering money.

The thing is, anyone reading this in any place of the world could say this same shit. We are all thieves, con artists and/or murderers. But the funny part is that all of these fuckers go to church, act like they are good, speak about how "evil" others are and then act like victims when someone is a better thief, con artist and or murderer. It's actually hilarious when someone enjoys acting like a saint excuses their crimes/evil with bullshit, and how they react when someone confronts them with it, but no matter how funny I find it, the truth is that people are really fucked up. I'm so happy I can live accepting how much of an asshole I am, I don't know if I could lie to myself and still be smart.

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